1. What is your business name & where do you live?
Jennifer's Stitched Up lives in Kentucky
2. What are 3 adjectives that best define your business:
time, fun, creative

3. How did you get started designing?
Fulfilling requests from my cousin for patterns that didn't exist.
4. Favorite part of designing?
Creative freedom

5. What is most important to you when choosing yarn for a design? Look? Feel? Weight?
Look/ perfect color
6. What is your favorite yarn.
7. Which project are you most proud of.

8. What inspires you when you create?
The fulfillment of pulling the design off and making it look great.
9. If you could tell a beginner one thing about crochet, what would it be?
Do not slightly modify someones work and believe you've created something new and sell it as your own pattern.
10. Where can we find you online?
Love these hats, so cool.
I really like Jennifer’s designs in her hats. So unique!!