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August News

It's that time again. What will be happening this month? SO MUCH!

(click on the photos for links)

It's going to be a busy month! Starting Tomorrow ..... Cable Blanket CAL. This is an intermediate pattern, but I will be adding a lot of photos to help with the cables, so if you are an adventurous beginner, you should be able to make the blanket as well. Check back tomorrow for the first border section just to get started & yarn used etc.


Another $2 Pattern Event! Have you been taking advantage of purchasing the amazing patterns the designers are offering for only $2?

Why $2? Every time a designer sells a pattern Ravelry takes a fee & PayPal takes a fee. So for us to make at least $1.25 per pattern we sell them for $2.

Be sure to check back here on the 11th, and in my FB group for links & coupon codes for the patterns.



I have been working on using up all the Bernat Premium I have here. Created a whole bunch of cowl/scarf sets, and I think 6-7 new beanie patterns but just a sample beanie of each. The yarn that is left is getting wound into balls and will be donated to "grandma" (an older lady who knits every day and needs yarn).

Here is a sample of what I've been up too from the end of May until now.

As you can see.... I have been busy! Now it's time to work on something else for a while lol.

Do you crochet all summer? We have had some incredibly hot days here, not Texas hot..... but Canada hot lol. Had to spend an afternoon in hubby's shop where it was a lot cooler than the house. Since it does cool off a lot at night.... we don't have a/c in the house.

Summer is almost over?



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