If you have been following me for a while you know I love to support and promote other crochet pattern designers. In the fall a designer was looking for someone to collaborate with in 2025 however she wanted someone with thousands of followers. Well.... we don't all have thousands of followers! There are designers just starting out, some with other full time jobs, family etc, and just don't have time to spend 16 hours a day promoting their business & creating patterns. These are my people! The ones I love to support and promote.

After some thought I came up with the idea of how several designers would be able to support each other but not have it be really time consuming. I reached out to the designer community and 8 friends wanted to join.
Why "Global" Crochet Collaboration?
We are literally from around the world: Canada, US, UK, India & Australia. The internet makes our world a whole lot smaller doesn't it?
How the collaboration will work:
Each month there will be 3 free patterns from 3 different designers. We will be posting about the free patterns on our blogs, newsletters and social media so you won't miss a pattern. The patterns will always be free on our blogs so you can go back any time to grab one. I will be creating a blog post with the links to the patterns available in the previous months in case you missed one. There will also be reminders in my newsletters, FB group, IG etc. (sign up for the newsletters on home page).
So..... which wonderful designers will be offering patterns for free? It's a great list with a huge variety of different styles & patterns.
Click on the logo to find their blogs.
As you can see, lots of variety of designers! It should be a great year to find a favorite "new to you" designer :)
Look for the first FREE pattern on January 5th, 2025! It's not that far away :)
I hope everyone had an amazing Christmas, and will have a Happy New Year!

Fun!! I love finding new pattern designers!
This is a fantastic idea! I look forward to seeing what you all have!