I have been following Lisa for a few years now. She has the cutest children's patterns. I especially LOVE the School Bus Sweater :)
What is your name, business name & where do you live?
I'm Lisa Ferrel. The name of my business is: My Fingers Fly.
I live in San Antonio, Texas
When/How did you learn to crochet?
It’s complicated. My dad taught me to knit and crochet when I was about 10. He’s left-handed, I’m right-handed, so I can knit or purl either way.
In high school, a friend taught me the granny square. Then as a 20-year-old, a coworker taught me to read a pattern. I haven’t stopped since.
What made you decide to start designing patterns?
I’ve always designed special gifts for family, especially for my children. I just figured maybe I could write them down to share with others.
How would you say that your crochet designing has changed from when you started?
I’ve learned a lot about editing and photography, so my patterns look much better now.
What’s your go-to yarn and crochet hook? Any particular reason why you prefer them?
Worsted yarn and H hook if possible. I use G a lot for amigurumi, and occasionally I use M and blanket yarn to make my amigurumi larger.
What are some of your favorite crochet techniques/stitches/ patterns?
Shell st is my go-to for baby blankets. HDC is my favorite for sweaters.
Are you a one-project-at-a-time person, or do you have a lot of WIPs on the go?
I try to finish one before I start another, but you know, there’s always something in time out because I got frustrated or ran out of yarn.
What’s the process like when you design a crochet pattern? What are some words you would use to describe your patterns?
Usually it starts with a sketch; then I get out my crayons and graph paper. That’s when the fun begins.
I call my business “silly & sweet crochet designs,” because I enjoy making things for little ones so much.
Tell us about your favorite make or biggest crochet triumph?
My very first published design was the Horny Toad amigurumi. It’s still my favorite and most popular pattern.
Paying it forward, who are some of your favorite crochet designers/ bloggers?
Moogly’s blog is so educational. I love watching GraceFace on Tiktok, because her videos are funny, and her designs are unique.
ReginaPDesigns, GreenFoxFarms, CarrowayCrochet
Too many to name!
Where can we find you online?
Website: www.myfingersfly.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/myfingersfly/
Thank you Lisa for a great interview!