It has come to my attention that some people would prefer pdf's for patterns instead of the usual copy/paste from a free website post. Most people also would prefer to have the patterns in their Ravelry Library.

All of my free patterns are available on Ravelry for a small fee. But after some thought, I decided I would make 2 bundles of the free blanket patterns. One for the patterns published in 2023, and the other for blankets from 2024. (click on the photos to go to the listing)
These bundles have a nice variety of patterns. Everything from mindless crochet to stitch samplers and lots of texture. Any of the patterns can be created with any brand/weight yarn.
The top bundle has the 6 patterns for $6, and the bottom bundle has 5 patterns for $5. Can't get cheaper than $1 a pattern! Ok, yes.... free is cheaper lol.
Why charge for the pdf's if the patterns are free on the website? I don't make any money from ad space on my website. Trust me.... there are days I wonder why I pay for the website at all. But I started, so will keep going for a while.
In order to help pay for the website, and the fees from Ravelry & Etsy, I decided when I started to offer the free patterns that I would charge a little bit for the pdf's. It's not much, but every little bit helps :)
If you know someone who happens to love to make blankets, please send them to the free patterns and/or share the bundles on Ravelry.
