Hubby & I left home yesterday (Thursday). My gosh it was cold! Next year we may have to look at leaving home before Halloween lol.
The first 2.5 hours were T.E.R.R.I.B.L.E! Ice covered roads, slow going. The mountains were beautiful, and we saw some sheep. I did find out that trying to take photos from a moving truck with air-ride seats on a bumpy road is difficult lol.
Last night it was -26C (-14.8F), but felt like -32C (-25.6F), not good weather for travelling!
Today we were in Saskatchewan. There is a lot of nothing in this province. Just wide open spaces. Between the sun coming in the window, the warm cab, bouncing seat and boring scenery it was hard to stay awake. We also noticed that Saskatchewan did not spend a lot of money on signs telling you how many kilometres to the next town..... there are no signs!! lol
We are hoping to be at the North Dakota/South Dakota border tomorrow for night.
Hopefully only 2 more days of winter!
(excuse the dirty windows on the truck)

Love to read your notes and see the lovely pics. You’re nearly in the part of US I live in - North Texas.
Glad you made it thru safely to the next section of your trip. Hopefully it goes quickly and you find a nice warm place to settle and investigate for awhile.
So pretty. No disrespect to the prairies but holy hanna they are boring!
Beautiful scenery. That’s what is coming my way. I’m in Minnesota