We crossed the Canada/US border yesterday (Saturday). It was fairly quick, the border person did look in the camper, but basically walked in, then out. We drove in snow, sun, fog, snow, blowing snow....all day. They had a blizzard go through part of ND 2 days earlier, there were still some vehicles in the ditch. But the road was clear and dry.
Jamestown ND has the worlds largest buffalo (maybe?).
Today was a dreary day as well for most of the day.
So - travelling in a "big rig" makes parking in some places difficult. We couldn't find a hotel last night where we could park the truck and trailer, so ended up in the parking lot of a casino on the border of ND & SD. We snuggles under blankets, started the truck every two hours, let it warm up for 40 minutes, then shut it off. It was a long cold night :(
Tonight we are in a hotel and plan on sleeping well! It was another long day. Started in ND, drove through SD, IA, NE & stopped in KS.
Tomorrow we will get to northern-ish TX. Then 1 more day of driving!

You made good travels through those states! Hope you get lots of sleep tonight!!